Up to 20 percent more output

Uhlmann experts travel to Bangladesh for SAT and finetuning of BEC blister lines: To complete eight final inspections of pharmaceutical packaging lines in Bangladesh within just 28 days – that was the challenge faced by our assemblers in Laupheim. For the Site Accaptance Tests (SAT) of the BEC blister lines, the five-member team traveled to Southern Asia in January.
First the SAT, then the production – this is normally the order in which new pharmaceutical packaging equipment is purchased. Because of the pandemic, four of our Bangladeshi customers had reversed the order: even before acceptance by an Uhlmann service technician, in 2021 the pharmacists started packaging tablets and capsules on their new blister lines. It was not until January that our mechanics from Laupheim were able to carry out the final tuning on-site.
"All the lines had already been delivered during the last three years but travel restrictions had prevented us from doing the installations ourselves. Instead, the Khan & Deen engineering team in Bangladesh took on the task, with Uhlmann providing support by means of remote instructions and advice. This was the only way our customers could start up their new BEC blister lines," says Christian Grab, Project Manager at Uhlmann.
When the service team arrived in Bangladesh in January, all the lines were already producing at a good output rate thanks to the great support from Khan & Deen. During the four labor-intensive weeks, the Uhlmann assemblers made some final adjustments. They made further adjustments to the setting parameters for most formats, while also checking the output performance and the quality of the blisters.
So, what was the highlight of the trip for the team? "Output was increased on all eight lines – in some cases by up to 20 percent. We are familiar with the lines down to the smallest detail so we are well aware of the type of further adjustments that can be made," says Christian Grab.